Did George Floyd Die in Vain?

UPDATE 7/01/20: So the the Jenny Durkin Festival of Freaks is now ending as Seattle’s finest moved in the clean up the mess at 5:00 am. It seems “the Durkin” finally got the message when a few of the freaks threatened to commandeer her $7.6 million home. Amazing.

Seattle’s Festival of Freaks

So the Seattle Festival of Freaks continues with what was initially a semi-legitimate Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest for a black man, who died during an over zealous arrest in Minneapolis. Make no mistake, the victim here, George Floyd, was far from angelic, serving a good part of his life behind bars and deservedly so. His death, however, was an inexcusable over application of physical force and the police officer responsible will surely pay a very high price for the exercise.

So as is often the case, the intended peaceful BLM protest was subsequently co-opted by bad actors. In this case, it was the radical seditionist group Antifa which was bolstered by the usual assortment of fringe lunatic libtards, malicious miscreants, and various causative agents that tend to tag along to hijack such events. The initial “peaceful protest” quickly degenerated into the looting and arson that is most often a featured “added attraction” at such BLM raves. Unfortunately for BLM, the initially intent of gaining sympathy for their cause has, as usual, been completely corrupted and overshadowed by looting and the wanton wholesale destruction of private property that seems to too often accompany their protests. And now, in addition to the more common forms of criminal activity associated with BLM, we can add extortion.

Images from the Art Festival

It seems the ” Republic of CHAZ”, the moniker now associated with Seattle’s latest BLM sponsored no-go zone, is “requesting” that white residents of the “CHAZ” pay a $10 “reparation fee” to at least one black collaborator in the republic confines. As described in their declaration…

“I want you to find, by the time you leave this autonomous zone, I want you to give ten dollars to one African American person from this autonomous zone. And if you find that’s difficult – if you find it’s hard for you to give ten dollars to people of color, to black people expecially [sic], you have to think really critically about – in the future, are you going to actually give up power and land and capital when you have it?

If you have a hard time giving up ten dollars, you have to think about: are you really down with this struggle? Are you really down with the movement? Because if that is a challenge for you, I’m not sure if you’re in the right place.

So find an African American person. White people, I see you. I see every one of you, and I remember your faces. You find that African American person and you give them ten dollars. Cash up, venmo, ten dollars in your pocket. That’s my challenge to you. Do it.

So now privileged white “guests” in this futuristic “Utopian Enclave” should immediately seek out and pay blacks reparations. Along with recent reports of business owners in the CHAZ reportedly being victims of shakedowns for “protection”, one might begin to wonder exactly what drugs Jenny Durkin, Seattle’s progressive mayor, is on. One also has to ask, can instances of these “privileged” whites being held for ransom be far off?

In fact, although wisely rejecting a 50% cut to Seattle’s police department budget, “the Durkin” has so lost control of the situation that Seattle’s ultra progressive city council, led by socialist Kshama Sawant, is now calling for “the Durkin’s” resignation. The mayor has completely lost control and abandonment Seattle’s law enforcement. Her survival is questionable as progressives in Seattle begin the entertaining task of eating their own.

And It’s Just Getting Started

The one thing you can absolutely count on is that the once sideshow event that is the “CHAZ” is now front and center and a feature that will be enjoyed by conservative watchers for weeks to come. Though there is clearly nothing to worry about though, since Jenny Durkin, Seattle’s progressive mayor, has officially categorized the CHAZ as a “block party” that may turn into a “summer of love” event. This poor idiot’s party label has actually sounded a wake up call for independent voters across the nation in the upcoming November elections. Can anybody actually be this ignorant? Well, the answer is “yes” and the “Durkin’s” somewhat impromptu “block party” may just be getting started. Given the current complete law enforcement vacuum within the CHAZ, one could certainly anticipate more fun and creative party games such as rape, aggressive looting, and more aggressive extortion programs on the horizon.

One thing is certain, for the voters in Seattle, this is a defining “reap what you’ve sown” moment that should, given some normal level of citizen mentality, signal the end of politicians like “the Durkin” and socialist democrat whack jobs like Sawant. But it won’t. After all, this is Seattle we’re talking about, a certified bastion of “libtardian” malcontents. For the majority of America, Seattle’s current situation, much like that of feces-stained San Francisco, is likely to be much more useful as a ready example of what can happen to your safety and livelihood when progressives gain control. Seattle’s status quo, if maintained, can be much more useful to conservative and libertarian Americans as a frightful example of what other major cities could devolve into if democrat socialists aren’t shown the door on election day.

So Back to the Question…Did George Floyd Die in Vain?

Simply put, the death of George Floyd, though clearly wrong in every respect, has now been completely overshadowed by the new hit reality series, The Seattle Festival Of Freaks. What sympathy for the BLM cause temporarily garnered from mainstream American as related to Floyd’s death, has now evaporated like the morning fog from a pristine lake. In the minds of mainstream America, the sympathetic image of a single black man’s life wrongfully ended, has been erased and completely replaced by the more memorable and loathsome images of renegade black looters and their white miscreant Antifa associates torching shops and disenfranchising both black and white entrepreneurs from their businesses and livelihoods.

Simply put, George Floyd is dead. But George Floyd did not die in vain. The death of George Floyd will be remembered as the catalyst that exposed the corrupt and misplaced purpose of Black Lives Matters and how it alienates the majority of Americans, even when it’s cause is just. It’s inability to organize it’s members and demonstrate peacefully and righteously so as to attract sympathy for it’s intended cause, as practiced by Martin Luther King, means it will only fail again and again and again to address the real problems facing black America.


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