Biden Tells OSHA to Hide the Evidence

Toxic Biden

With study after study now pointing to natural immunity offering far superior protection to serious infection by COVID-19, when compared to any of the various vaccines, anyone with an once of common sense would realize that mandating vaccines for those enjoying such immunity is not only completely unnecessary, but should be considered criminal.  That ounce of sense analogy, however, clearly does not pertain to President Joseph Robinette Biden.  In fact with the growing numbers of deaths, wounds, and serious illness being caused from administering the vaccines, you would think President Biden would welcome the news about natural immunity.  Unfortunately you would be wrong and it now appears the Biden Administration, just like the “Butcher of New York”, Andrew Cuomo’s cover up of his nursing home scandal”, is attempting to obfuscate records of individuals suffering serious side effects from the vaccine.  How is President Joe doing this?  Why, through OSHA of course.

Up until this summer, OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration required employers to repoint any employee suffering serious side effects from being vaccinated.  Valuable data you would think and certainly of value to the American public facing the very real decision on whether or not to opt for the FCA unapproved inoculation.  But in June, OSHA’s guidance suddenly changed.  OSHA would now “No longer enforce federal recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination”.

In dealing with a pandemic as serious as the one affecting the world currently, all data, and especially vitally important data documenting the possible side effects of mass inoculation of citizens with an experimental vaccine, is critically important.  The Biden Administration evidently does not think so.  Like a high stakes poker player with a miserably weak hand, Biden is doubling down on a vaccination requirement mandate bluff, when reality is now potentially pointing in an opposite direction of action  With its disastrous handing of the Afghanistan withdrawal still front and center, the Biden Administration seems again to be on the verge of making decisions that will burn a solid historical record in the minds of Americans of the disastrous consequences of electing inept social democrats to any position of authority.


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