The Real Housewives of MSNBC

Without question, any conservative blogger could have a field day just documenting the lies, hoaxes, and outright fabrications that are disseminated by the parrots over at MSNBC and I guess even the “Hook, Line, and Sinker” (HLS) crowd that typically gobbles down the doughball-sized cons served up by the likes of Maddow, Reid, Hayes, O’Donnell, et al, can no longer choke down the lies.  In fact, recent polls evidence that in most time slots, the Fox News’ audience now exceeds the total viewers of MSNBC and CNN combined.  The reason for the abandonment of MSNBC (as well as CNN) is obvious.  To understand why, you need look no further than two names;  Donald Trump and COVID-19.

In the days of the Trump presidency, MSNBC’s Maddow was on fire in the ratings, even out pacing Fox’s Hannity on occasion.  The daily Trump stories were much more than the stories of a presidency.  To liberals, getting your daily dose of “Reality Trump” was better than watching the Kardashian’s.  There were spies, pee-pee dossiers, treasonous phone calls, Russiagate, and more.  None of it true of course.  But truth didn’t matter to the parrots any more than it would matter to the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.  This was all about entertainment and advertising dollars.  And the parrots at MSNBC cashed in big time becoming the “Real Housewives of MSNBC”, dishing out one hoax after another to their eager doughball-sucking audience of Hooks, Lines, and Sinkers.

Unfortunately, however, a bad thing happened to the “Housewives Show” at MSNBC on the way to the bank.  Donald Trump was defeated in the 2020 election.  Gone were the days of the Trump hoax productions.  Their shows subject was now replaced by a lethargic old-school politician likely suffering from some level of dementia and needing a score of “handlers” just to get through the day.  An old horse that even past president Obama found difficult to back and certainly not someone you could lampoon day after day like Trump and expect to keep your HLS audience of IQ-challenged doughball suckers.  You needed something else…something big, and that something else was serviced up ala-carte in the form of an honest to God worldwide pandemic.  But, there was a problem…and a BIG one.

MSNBC, CNN, and much more of the mainstream media, had built their brand in recent years on the Trump phenomenon, battling each other to see who could deliver the most outrageous Trump story of the day.  Truth, the true cornerstone of a any news organization and what a brand in news is built on, no longer mattered.  Not to Maddow, Reid, O’Donnell, or anyone else.  MSNBC itself was now nothing more than an outrageous reality show that had doubled down on one fake news story after another and unfortunately, when their HSL audience was now faced life and death reality of a worldwide pandemic and needed solutions and not showmanship, they began to leave.

Still, the parrots at MSNBC are still trying to serve up doughballs when they can and a perfect example was with a recent story on the drug Ivermectin.  It seems the chief “doughball department” at MSNBC had picked up on an Associated Press story that a hospital in Mississippi was deluged with patients who had overdosed on the popular COVID fighting drug Ivermectin.  The AP falsely reported that “70 percent of Mississippi’s poison control calls were related to Ivermectin.  Unfortunately, that was a complete fabrication and the AP had to publish a retraction, but not before the doughball department at MSNBC picked up the story and shuffled it down to the bait salesman, Maddow and Reid who simply could not wait to go fishing.  The “juice” here was, of course, the Trump connection.  You see early in the history of the virus, Trump had mentioned the drug Ivermectin as a possible product that could be of some value in treatment.   Additionally, it seems Ivermectin was being used predominantly in “Red States”.  What a great way to get back in the “Housewives Business” taking jabs at Trump supporters, at least for a day or two.

MSNBC issued no retractions but has doubled down on Ivermectin bashing featuring one story after another featuring reports issued by the FDA and CDC warning against the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID.  And that’s fair, in spite of the fact that Ivermectin was invented some 50 years ago and over 4.5 billion doses have been administered with the creator received the Nobel prize. Still the WHO, Big Pharma and most Western governments refuse to even test Ivermectin against COVID which is likely due to it being too cheap to produce and compete with the vaccines.  We, at this blog, are certainly in no position to refute the CDC on whether Ivermectin has some small or intermediate value in the treatment of COVID symptoms.  Not being doughball suckers, however, we will note that, while Ivermectin has not been shown here in the U.S. to PREVENT COVID-19 infection, there are many other studies that show it to have some value in TREATMENT and particularly after infection such as this study out of Israel, and this study out of India, and this report out of Japan.

No matter which side of the Ivermectin debate you fall on, the important lesson to be learned here is that you should take your doses of MSNBC and other mainstream media lightly, or preferably, not at all.  The mainstream media, like any big corporation, is all about advertising revenue and not about disseminating truthful news.  Avoid the “Ignorance is Strength” message of the mainstream media and abandon their doughball dispensing parrots.  Do your research.  There is nothing wrong with being intelligent and smart.  Break free of the HSL hook, line, and sinker crowd, stop sucking down mainstream media doughballs, and enjoy the freedom that comes from thinking for yourself.


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